Types of waypoints

The competitor must pass through all waypoints in chronological (ascending, sequential) order. It is possible to skip the waypoint manually, incurring penalty.

Depending on the waypoint type, the NAV-GPS directs the crews towards a waypoint only once they have validated the previous waypoint or if they have come within the opening radius of it. To validate a waypoint, the crew must pass within the validation radius of it.

WPE (ECLIPSE WAYPOINT): A waypoint that becomes completely visible on the NAV-GPS once the preceding waypoint has been validated or within a radius of 1000 meters if the previous waypoint was missed.

WPN (NAVIGATION WAYPOINT): The organiser may use this waypoint to prevent crews from avoiding challenging routes (e.g. dunes) or navigation difficulties. The NAV-GPS directs the crews towards this point only once they have come within the opening radius of it.

WPM (MASKED WAYPOINT): A waypoint whose coordinates are not revealed to competitors. This is a standard waypoint to be used to check that the navigation instructions are being correctly followed by the crews. The NAV-GPS directs the competitor towards this point only once he has come within the opening radius of it.
Waypoints WPM graphic
WPS (SAFETY WAYPOINT): A waypoint used to guarantee the safety of competitors, indicated in the road book and whose coordinates are not revealed to the competitors. The NAV-GPS only directs the competitor towards this point once he has arrived within a WPS open radius.

WPC (CONTROL WAYPOINT): A Control waypoint is a waypoint which allows verifying the respect of the roadbook, without any information of navigation being provided by the NAV-GPS other than the order of passage. A WPC should never be placed off track. In addition, the organiser will use as many WPCs as needed to avoid any possibility of shortcuts.

WPP (PRECISE WAYPOINT): A WPP is a waypoint to check that the Road book has been precisely respected on tracks. Its number and its order of passage in relation to other waypoints will only be listed in the Road book’s waypoint list (this waypoint is not visible in the roadbook for riders). A WPP cannot be used off-road/ track. Learn about a special WPP feature: auto-skipping missed waypoints.

WPV (VISIBLE WAYPOINT): Travelling towards a visible waypoint, all information is displayed on the NAV-GPS at any time when the WPV is selected or the previous waypoint has been validated. WPVs are usually used for the start of a Stage, if followed by a road section or from the ASS to the service park/bivouac (finish time control of a Stage).

Check out the video "Waypoint types explained, deep dive" on Youtube.

  • DSS (Start Selective Section, FIM uses Depart Special Stage):
    This waypoint is only used to define the START of Selective Section. For a rolling start, timing begins when the competitor validates/clears the DSS. For a standing start, timing begins at the time set by the start referee (GPS position at the DSS is ignored for standing starts).
  • ASS (Finish Selective Section):
    This waypoint is only used to define the FINISH of a Selective Section. Timing stops at the ASS (finish waypoint) validation circle entry point and is identified automatically by the competitor's GPS (rolling finish).

  • DZ (Start Speed Control/Safety Zone):
    A waypoint is used to ensure competitor and/or public safety. It defines the beginning of a Speed Control or Safety Zone.
  • FZ (Finish Speed Control/Safety Zone):
    This waypoint is used to define the finish of the Speed Control or Safety Zone.

  • DN (Start Neutralization zone): This waypoint is used to define the beginning of a neutralization zone within a Selective Section. It also may define the beginning of a speed control zone equivalent to a DZ.
  • FN (Finish Neutralization zone): This waypoint is used to define the end of the neutralization zone within a Selection Section. It also may define the end of a speed control zone equivalent to a FZ.
  • In Events, time spent in the neutralization zone does not count towards the result. However, the event organizer can choose to include this time in the results (within the event settings).
  • How to add a DN (neutralization zone)?

  • DT (Start Transfer zone): This waypoint is used to define the beginning of a transfer zone within a Selective Section. It also may define the beginning of a speed control zone equivalent to a DZ.
  • FT (Finish Transfer zone): This waypoint is used to define the end of the transfer zone within a Selection Section. It also may define the end of a speed control zone equivalent to a FZ.
  • Time spent in the transfer zone does not count towards the result.

FIM waypoint opening and validation (clear) radii table. Keep in mind, roadbook designer can chose to set custom radii. Open and Validation radii is displayed on the roadbook where applicable.
FIM waypoint open and clear radii table

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