Yes, it validates all types of waypoints, displaying the arrow with distance and waypoint number for
waypoints with open radius, similar to rallycomp or ertf hardware.
Waypoints should be validated/cleared in a sequential order, but it is possible
to skip and/or miss them. The
system will assign a penalty for missed waypoints as per event penalty rules.
If riders do not manually select "skip a waypoint", the RBR app will continue to point towards the missed one.
Riders can complete the ride ignoring waypoints and their statuses in the RBR app. The system will calculate
actually missed waypoints by the driven path. Meaning,
the penalty system does not care if the rider marked the
waypoint in the RBR app as skipped/validated or not. The system will calculate missed waypoints based on your actual position and the path you drove.
Also, tripmeter will be recalibrated automatically on waypoint validation (it is possible to disable this
feature in the app settings)
Distance To Waypoint (DTW) in blue font: