Section start types (standing, rolling)

There exists "Standing", "Rolling start" and "Rolling Start with Time Window" section start types.

Section start type: Standing
  • Start at the DSS (start selective section) at your designated start time.
  • Sometimes roadbooks start with a liaison. Arrive at the DSS before your actual start time and plan accordingly.
  • The Timing Official (start referee) will allow you onto the track at your start minute.
  • Track will be available in the RBR app 20 minutes before your designated start time.
  • Timing begins at the time set by the start referee (GPS position at the DSS is ignored for standing starts).
Section start type: Open Rolling Start
  • No Timing Officials (start referee) are present at the start of the roadbook or the DSS.
  • Start riding at any time. Your actual start time at the DSS will be identified automatically by your GPS, the same for the finish (ASS).
  • The track will be available in the RBR app after the "first start" or "start at" time of the section.
  • The actual start time at the DSS (start waypoint) will be identified automatically by the competitor's GPS. Timing starts at the DSS validation circle entry point.
  • Learn more about the rolling start.
Section start type: Rolling Start with Time Window
  • There is a specific time frame during which competitors can start the Special Section (at the DSS) using a rolling start. For example, competitors might have a rolling start window of 60 minutes, allowing them to start at any point within that time frame.
  • No Timing Officials (start referee) are present at the start of the roadbook or the DSS.
  • Cross the DSS within your designated start time window. Missing your window incurs a 60-minute penalty.The actual start time at the DSS will be identified automatically by your GPS, the same for the finish (ASS).
  • Track will be available in the RBR app 20 minutes before your designated start time.
  • The actual start time at the DSS (start waypoint) will be identified automatically by the competitor's GPS. Timing starts at the DSS validation circle entry point.
  • Learn more about the rolling start.

Section Finish: in all cases timing ends at the ASS (finish waypoint) validation circle entry point and is identified automatically by the competitor's GPS (rolling finish).

P.S. Event replays for sections with a "rolling start" are available only after the end of the event (to be fairer for everyone). Replays for sections with a "standing" start are available instantly, but with a 10-minute delay. Event organizers can access replays anytime. Competitors can access their own replays instantly.

While it is technically and physically possible to ride the same section multiple times (e.g., a training/demo section of the event), only the first ride will be counted towards the results and made available for replay.

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