Track Leaderboard
Vetla-Voose treening - TURIST (58 km)
All rides (16):
FAQ: Penalty rules for Track Leaderboard
Please note: As this is a BETA version of Track Leaderboards, all features and rules are provisional and may be adjusted in response to your input and testing results.
Please note: As this is a BETA version of Track Leaderboards, all features and rules are provisional and may be adjusted in response to your input and testing results.
*Reminder from the Terms of Service: RoadbookRally does not take responsibility for any track conditions and explicitly states that the tracks are not designed for riding in competition mode. You have to follow traffic and any other laws. RoadbookRally services and tracks are solely intended for training and ride analysis purposes. Participants must use the tracks accordingly or not use them at all, and acknowledge that RoadbookRally will not be liable for any incidents or liabilities arising from any type of services, track and/or event usage.